Kingston ssd manager usb
Kingston ssd manager usb

kingston ssd manager usb

The Kingston SSD Manager is not compatible with Mac OS or Linux distributions.

kingston ssd manager usb

– Once your installation is complete, the system may require a reboot. – Follow the prompts within the Setup Wizard and proceed with KSM software installation. – Run the KSM Setup executable as administrator. – Locate your download and extract the contents. – Click on the Kingston SSD Manager (KSM) link to initialize the software download. – Administrator privileges in Windows Installation Process: – Manage TCG Opal and IEEE 1667 In order to use Kingston SSD Manager you must have: – Utilize Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) and export detailed reports in text format – View drive identification data including model name, serial number, firmware version, and other relevant information – Monitor drive health, status, and disk usage With Kingston SSD Manager you will be able to:

Kingston ssd manager usb